Digital Albums

The Beauty of Not Knowing

Ian Michael Brown

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A debut jazz album containing 10 original compositions influenced by Bill Evans, Esbjorn Svensson, Pat Metheny and the ECM sound with arrangements utilizing piano trio, quartet, and quintet instrumentations.

Personnel: Ian Michael Brown - piano & keyboards Sebastian Forero Barrera - bass Cristhian Cavanzo - drums Dave Brown - guitar Eric

A debut jazz album containing 10 original compositions influenced by Bill Evans, Esbjorn Svensson, Pat Metheny and the ECM sound with arrangements utilizing piano trio, quartet, and quintet instrumentations.

Personnel: Ian Michael Brown - piano & keyboards Sebastian Forero Barrera - bass Cristhian Cavanzo - drums Dave Brown - guitar Eric DeFade - tenor saxophone

All tracks written by Ian Michael Brown (BMI) ⓒ2019 IMB Music Collections Recorded by Dana Cannone & Dave Brown at the Church Studio in Pittsburgh, PA Produced and mixed by Dave Brown & Ian Michael Brown

Liner Notes: Embracing uncertainty and change is not comfortable. We want our perfect plans to play out exactly as we have drawn them up. However the unknown is what makes our lives beautiful and worth living. Music helps us understand life in a more complete way. A composition has a basic framework, just as a life does. Tunes have bass, harmony, and melody; lives have husbands and wives, family and jobs, and leisure. A musician uses this little information given to him to create a personal, unique statement which comes from his soul. The same is true with humanity. In this journey to write, assemble, and complete this record the unknown has been a constant line through it all. With the uncertainty present, it was easy to shift focus and lose clarity. Fortunately, we embraced the beauty in the journey and welcomed the unknown. I hope this record will allow you to experience the beauty of not knowing and these compositions will help you capture moments, as they have done for me.

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Physical Albums